The Great Encyclopaedia of Healing Stones, Fragrances & Herbs Das große Lexikon der Heilsteine,Düfte und Kräuter in englischer Sprache 360 Pages This book describes in a detailed yet easily understandable way the healing possibilities and application areas of healing stones, fragrances and herbs, so that every reader well be able to understand them quickly and apply them immediatly. Although this reference work is called a Encyclopaedia because of the clear alphabetical arrangement from A-Z, it still has the definite character of a textbook because of its extensice and through descriptions. The Authors do not just make us of simple catchwords and listings, but describe in an easily understandable and detailed way the healing powers of healing stones, fragrances and herbs on the body, the chakras, the aura and the soul. This knowledge originates on the one hand from decades of experience of successful naturopathists, in combination with the findings contributed by millions of healed poeple throughout the world, and on the other from assessments and knowledge of the traditions handed down by people from generation to generation over thousands of years. The book covers every astrology, purchase and care of healing stones. 240 healing stones are illustraded in full colour and describe in detail. The reader is also provided with comprehensive information on all aspects of healing stones, Chakras, Aura, light and colours, minerals and the trace elements they contain round off this reference work into a straightforward yet indispensable aid for the successful application of healing stones, fragrances and herbs. The book also provides practical tips on preparing your own healing stone water, all healing stones according to Saint Hildegard von Bingen and the month stones according to astrological, European and Indian tradition. The origin of healing stones, their chemical composition and their historical traditions make this lexicon an essential reference work for all those who are interested in health, precious stones, geology, Earth guardians or the beautiful things in nature in general. 240 stones, 115 fragrances and 84 herbs in one reference work